코드랩 전체 목차 / 진도 현황공부 기록/프로그래밍 2019. 10. 2. 22:27728x90
Unit 1: Get started
Lesson 1: Build your first app
1.1: Android Studio and Hello World1.2 Part A: Your first interactive UI1.2 Part B: The layout editor1.3: Text and scrolling views1.4: Learn to help yourself
Lesson 2: Activities and intentsLesson 3: Testing, debugging, and using support libraries
Unit 2: User experience
Lesson 4: User interaction
- 4.1: Clickable images
- 4.2: Input controls
- 4.3: Menus and pickers
- 4.4: User navigation
- 4.5: RecyclerView
Lesson 5: Delightful user experience
Lesson 6:Testing your UI
Unit 3: Working in the background
Lesson 7: Background tasks
Lesson 8: Alarms and schedulers
Unit 4: Saving user data
Lesson 9: Preferences and settings
Lesson 10: Storing data with Room
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